23rd April 2016

AGM 7:30 p.m.

Concert 8:30 p.m.

Burgh Halls, Linlithgow

Flute / Guitar Duo

Tickets: Full £12, Concession £10, Student £5


There will be a finger buffet with wine and soft drinks at around 8.00 pm

LOCATELLI: Sonata in G major

POULENC: Sarabande Op 179

POULENC: Un Joueur de Flûte Berce les Ruines

VACHEZ: Krynica & Un ange


VELLA: Bidla


CAFFREY: The Uses of Not

THOMAS: Sivi Grivi

Irish flautist AISLING AGNEW and Scottish guitarist MATTHEW McALLISTER are internationally recognised as one of the world's leading Flute & Guitar Duos. With over 15 years experience of performing together, they are renowned for deeply engaging concerts, imaginative programming and consummate artistry. They perform extensively around the world earning the highest admiration from audiences and critics alike.